
December 18, 2013

Contact vs. Connect

We meet people from all different walks of life everyday.....If we are receptive enough or friendly enough.

Me...Jazuri J... is a very friendly person, perhaps too friendly, but hey I wouldn't have these episodes to give to you if I just laid up in my house looking at the walls imagining people right (see movie- 'The Perfect Host' for a perfect understanding).

When you reach out to someone - via phone, email, VoIP, message in a bottle, smoke signals etc. You are attempting to contact someone right?? Even worse if you're going through some effort (refer to 'Please Call Me' msg #5), it is absolutely frustrating if the other end is not responding to the precious minutes you are easily giving up. Correct? This is when YOU are making the effort right?

What about those 'reach out' instances that you have no control over, you meet someone and it was never your intention to contact them ever again, you made no attempt to even bat your lashes or make a move- however something, or someone, bigger than you decided against this, and by the force of gravity, or some strong drink, you are tingling to be with them? Strange? Never happened to  you ever? Ok fine....YOU alone can remain in denial, I had a friend once who was there and we ...I mean she...never liked it *wink wink*.

*Fireworks explosion* YOU have friend. Some soul shifting movement is taking place and if you are 'wide asleep' you may never notice until it is too late. It is easy to find people with similar interests like yourself- maybe you can drink together, smoke together, shop together, even gossip together....these bonds are just tiny strings that hold the union together the more strings you have the tighter the bond.

Too often we feel that a blimp of existence is enough...a FB msg, the notion to Like 'anything', the many impersonal ways of communication without connection. Whether you are a hermit or nudist...Yes I like extremes...YOU need people, whether to make fun of or to have fun choose. Find the ones who you CONNECT with and make the effort with them FIRST. I am not saying you do not need your rolodex with all those contacts, networking is important for business!!!

I did tell you this is my don't be upset because you are still reading... Be glad this is not an e-book!! Let me just get up to this point real quick....

Look beyond the face value of who and what you see and be in tune to what you feel. Connect with someone today and preserve that union. Re-connect with those who you can find, meditate some more to channel your own feelings so that you may be able to interpret the signals.

Bless Up Urself!!

You can reach me @:

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