I am a self proclaimed, non commercialized, SILENT GANJA ACTIVIST...dwl!! Yes if you know me...for those of you who have gone beyond my pseudo name (writing name) by now and have put the pieces of the puzzle together, I love me my weed... I smoke it, eat it, use the by products like lip gloss, soap and even body splash. However until that forum I have never felt the need to go to the origin of my beloved ganja, until I saw the pain and discomfort within the Rastafarian community, who were also present... I say that to say this - There is no way JA can holistically benefit from this 'medicinal' boom until the sacrilegious aspect to this community is properly addressed. Even though I am not in total agreement of airing dirty laundry in a public setting, kudos must be given to the organizers...they put together a well thought out presentation and included some powerful/influential people of our nation and beyond the shores to incite and stimulate deep rooted conversations, around the topic and how Jamaica can move forward if this is a step to take for the elevation of economic prevail especially against the beasts like IMF etc. Without going scientifically into the chemical components and types of 'marijuana' plants available as a result of lab cultivation...it can be emphatically stated that JA has the best 'balanced' strain in the world! YES I SAID IT!
But let us spin 180 degrees for a bit away from 'medicinal & commercial' activities and go deep....imagine yourself as devout Rastafarian, over the years you have been told that your spiritual symbol is illegal, your fellow brethrens and elders may have been persecuted for this plant over the years, and even still today present day. You have waged war against Babylon and the disrespect of your religious customs and practices in relations to this plant. NOW come back today 2014 decades later... you are now being told that YOUR religious pain is the GREEN GOLD of the free world. So now the Babylonians not only took away your pride and freedom, in most cases, but here you are 'allowed' to get it back in a 'bottle' and you may or may not need a medical prescription to get what is naturally yours!!! Now this is ludacris!!! Had I still maintained Rastafari in my life I would be most upset as well!!! Hear is my recommendation to all stakeholders involved in this process, in the interest of business and social development, allow the business people to do what they do best - make money!! Give Rastafarians the ultimate power of social development by allowing them to be the knowledge hub of ALL THINKGS GANJA...a foundation, laboratory, archives whatever is needed to trace the origins and foster unbiased education.. who else can tell us more about ganja than Rastafari?
Now to add insult to injury, we are back to the business aspect of this thing here...the main reason JA cannot sit in the ganja airplane and take off, is because of a UN convention signed some eons ago!! Tell me where to jump off into the insanity pool too! If the US of mighty A can disobey their own federal government why is JA so afraid? Do we need to go back to plantations and revolutions??? This is modern day revolution!! Get up off your red taped asses and do something about the state of OUR affairs. Be leaders! Be innovators! Be fearless!
To the influential people ...If you need an ambassador email me!!! I am ready and willing!! Let us get this $$$ for the future of our country as ganja will never plateau like most other products. This is a way of life!
"On 31 July 2013, the Uruguayan House of Representatives approved a bill to legalize the production, distribution, sale, and consumption of marijuana by a vote of 50 to 46. The bill heads next to the Senate, where the left-leaning majority coalition, the Broad Front, holds a comfortable majority and is expected to pass the bill. The bill will then be presented to President José Mujica, also of the Broad Front coalition, who has supported legalization since June 2012. Relating this vote to the 2012 legalization of marijuana by the U.S. states Colorado and Washington, John Walsh, drug policy expert of the Washington office, stated that "Uruguay's timing is right" Because of last year’s Colorado and Washington State votes to legalize, the U.S. government is in no position to browbeat Uruguay or others who may follow" - excerpt from Wikipedia
I could go on and on about more ganja related stuff but let me stop right here right now and leave you with some links...
Ganja Facts
* Ganja pre-dates the 3rd millennium (Bronze Age)
* Outlawed in JA in 1913, whilst we were still, and many may argue remain, a British colony
* The name itself Ganja is said to be of Sanskrit origin
* Ganja plant is known as cannabis Sativa
* CBD:THC ratio speaks to the potency of the strain...more CBD is good as THC is deemed the psychosis stimulant
* Origin of ganja by country: Egypt-China -India-North Africa- Europe-Western hemisphere
Ganja links to edify your brain or just entertain;
Email me allthingsganja@outlook.com or check out the dedicated blog @ www.allthingsganja.wordpress.com
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