
April 16, 2014


"You don't get to run. You're a gladiator. Gladiators don't run. They fight. They slay dragons. The wipe off the blood. They stitch up their wounds, and they live to fight another day. You don't get to run." - Olivia Pope

Would I consider myself a 'fanatic' no...but Shonda Rimes has done a fantastic job getting people glued to their televisions on a Thursday night including me however I am tuned in for a whole different reason... I think

Brief Synopsis of the series...

"Scandal is an American political thriller television series starring Kerry Washington. Created by Shonda Rhimes, it debuted on ABC on April 5, 2012.[1] Kerry Washington's character, Olivia Pope, is partially based on former George H.W. Bush administration press aide Judy Smith, who serves as a co-executive producer.[2] The show takes place in Washington, D.C. and focuses on Olivia Pope's crisis management firm, Olivia Pope & Associates, and its staff, as well as staff at the White House" –

This character named Olivia Pope is amazing beyond natural belief... I sincerely wish to meet the actual person from whom this 'star' was birthed. Olivia is the best at what she does...solving people's 'image' problem which may or may not be misconstrued as 'shielding the ugly elite' in the interest of the public and morale fiber of the republic. That is her job, now she as a person is nothing short of a kaleidoscope of different egos- she wants the picket fence dream, she wants the brass balls, and she also craves forbidden love- that is just my opinion.

How she manages to wear the mask that hides all these insecurities, so well at that; immaculately dressed, poised and eloquently spoken is intriguing to say the least. How many of us do that? Put on the 'Brave Face' mostly women I suppose since we are the emotional ones.

Her family is as dysfunctional as it gets - her father led B613, a covert outfit which can be considered the mastermind of all things America. Her mother is a terrorist who after umpteen years in secret lockup (by her dad) was freed by Olivia (before she knew she was a terrorist).

Her love life ... I think this is what they sell the show entirely on... the passion between her and the President and the powerful men who have tried (and succeeded) in getting a morsel of her emotional being (right Jake!). This woman plays a powerful mistress... how many wives would acknowledge, and cannot do a thing about it, a third party in their marriage and even call on said mistress to 'fix' her husband because he only listens to you. WOW!

Her game face is to die for!! The utter confidence and strength she exudes in one to revere. This is someone you ought not to mess with! Whether the fact that she has powerful friends and families is beyond the point that just adds to the reality of how she is able to do what she does so well.

Everyone has baggage, demons, skeletons; they are all the same just different degrees of sin. Throughout it all the lions rise as they are the ones who play through the pain. No matter what...Get up, dress up, show up and give it all you have got. They say art imitate life and this is indeed a work of art.

Some Scandal Quotes to inspire you... The Gladiator in YOU!
Find the rest @

You can't change the choice you made, all you can do is not let it ruin you.

He can talk all he wants about a regular life. Some men aren't meant to be happy. They're meant to be great.

Olivia: I don't want normal, and easy, and simple. I want..
Edison: What? What do you want, Olivia?
Olivia: I want painful, difficult, devastating, life-changing, extraordinary love. Don't you want that, too?
Edison: Love is not supposed to be painful or devastating. Love isn't supposed to hurt, Liv.

I am not a toy that you can play with when you're bored or lonely or horny. I am not the girl the guy gets at the end of the movie. I am not a fantasy. If you want me, earn me! Until then, we are done.

[to Fitz] Many a man has been undone by jealousy.

You thought the two of you were partners. You thought the problems in your marriage were solvable. You thought 'for better or worse' meant something. You thought no matter what he'd be faithful. Nancy, right now, you are angry, right now you feel betrayed, but here's the thing. You are his partner. You are his wife. Some mistress doesn't change that. He made a mistake. You have to forgive him for it. You weren't wrong about him. You were just stronger than he was. And he is not a monster. He's the man you fell in love with. You have to bury the man that you married. Somewhere in all the cheating, Nancy, is the man that you married. Be his wife, right to the end. Be his wife.
 He needs you, Olivia. He is tired and broken and it isn't the job. It's doing the job without you. He's not alive when you're not here. He can't breathe when you're not here. He doesn't have the will to run much less win when you're not here because you, you're everything to him, Liv. He needs you, so I need you to come back. Come back to us.

[to Olivia] You're skipping around in a field full of bombs and mistaking them for daisies.
Rowan Pope

April 03, 2014

How to be friends with your Ex!

There is a way to be platonic, actually several, with a former lover, husband, wife, or even 'situation' this is just a guide from personal and collectively shared views.  

Do not have sex with your Ex!
This is an old cliche but it is very much relevant. The moment you go back in that bed all bets are off. Old firesticks do ketch, and you would have given every future partner the reason not to trust either of you and satisfy the worldwide belief that being friends with an ex is next to impossible.

 Bury your relationship.
If you have to put a picture in a box and throw dirt on it. Do it. As long as you recognize this was in the past and there is no interest for a future photo op. If the ending was not good then mourn that shit and move the hell on! If the circumstances are unforgiving then friends is not an option.

Let go of the possessiveness...he/she/it is mine
People are not assets. Unless this is a business relationship in the form of a merger then nobody is yours. Get over the child-like behaviour when you don't want to share your favourite snack. Someone else will have what was yours, so will the next person after, and after that...this breeds jealousy a trait not warranted for your current status at the moment   Be prepared to hear some shit that happened either just before, during or right after your relationship. Get over this....very quickly if you want to have honest and open conversations with each other. Take your ego out of it unless you don't only want friendship.  

Be wary of the trifling ass undercover lovers
 All the Joe and Jane Grind's are going to have more confidence now and show their true colours. Try to keep your cool and be thankful they are still cowards who had to wait till game over to start playing.  

Keep it 100! All the time or as much as you can, even more than when you were a couple As an ex you have the potential to be the best friend they never responsible with this position, give your opinions in a way that fosters back and forth discussions. Constructive criticism works only if you know what it is, and how to do it. Go to Google.  

Know when to stand back...and allow the future to set in, even if you don't like it This requires maturity to differentiate between helping and facilitating. Help because you want to and not because you feel obligated. Be self confident enough to sit in the back...way back if needs be, knowing if it were the back row of church, this still does not mean your blessings will be any less.

Love unconditionally....this is the simplest but hardest thing to do but if you are genuine and your intentions honourable, if you master this everything falls into place.